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High Cotton (a slave's tale)



"Rivetting tale of a twelve year old boy kidnapped and sold to Dutch slave traders and his strength, and determination to be free." Kidnapped from his home, along with his brother, sold into slavery, Manni was determined to not only survive, but to overcome the torture and atrocities heaped upon him and his people by the ruthless Yoruba Warriors, then the Dutch slave traders. Somehow, in some way Manni touched the heartstrings of a rough, tough, barbaric ship's captain. But then, he was given over to the humiliation of the slave auction, purchased by a Plantation owner, where he spent the next eight years in servitude to his master. Civil war, southern defeat, emancipation, and he suddenly found himself to be free. He left the plantation and returned to the only other life he knew, the sailing ship, the Albatross. Manni, whose name had been changed to Scooter while on the plantation, remained with the ship moving cargo from the carribean to the east coast of America. Scooter experiences many life changing events. the death of the Captain, being conned by a carpetbagger, and ending up a beggar and street performer in St. Louis.



5.0 out of 5 stars Truly Exciting Book, April 12, 2014



By Kenya Cagle

Caglevision - See all my reviews


This review is from: High Cotton (Kindle Edition)

It was truly an honor to read this book. This is the story of two young men kidnapped from Africa, what happens to them and what they had to go through. Strangely enough it reads like a real story. The research is phenomenal. As you read this piece you find yourself captured in time. It tells us about slavery and the horrors of it all. The story is well written and easy to understand. The characters are well developed. So much so that you even get to empathize with the captain of the slave ship Capt Hannibal. In him we see his struggles. We see the inner fight of doing his job and doing what he knows is right. We watch Manni grow up and how his life unfolds. Through Manni, we get to experience human spirituality as it is faced with a diversity of challenges. Though there are many sad times, this book is truly inspirational and exciting. There are many twists and turns. The book takes you through an emotional roller coaster and drops you off in places that you never expected. I give this book 5 stars and highly recommend it.

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